

What My Clients & Students are Saying:

“You helped me get through a very hard separation and I’m so grateful. Now I’m dating someone who I feel really aligned with, who is empathetic and my nervous system feels calm with. I also know not to look for wholeness in this person because of you, but stay connected to myself and find it within. Thank you so much.”

- Matt M.

"In the past few weeks, my overthinking, regret, and anxiety has gone down a ton. I feel more surrendered and at peace with where I’m at and just allowing it to unfold. It’s great to recognize that I don’t have to be fully healed to date. I will get activated but I have the skills to support my parts and not let them take over the drivers seat."

- Osama A.

“I’ve investigated a lot of avenues for a long time and this has been far and away the best. You’re so good at intentional listening and offering guidance in a way that feels weightless, expansive, opening and empowering in a way that I haven’t experienced before. These sessions have been so expansive. I am so grateful. I have felt more concrete progress in our time than months and years of therapy.”

- Meg M.

“I’m so appreciative of the massive amount of progress I’ve made in the last 9 months - 90% of which is the work I’ve been doing with Travis. I’ve let go of my ex. I’m not as judgmental or harsh on myself as I was, which has helped me to be more compassionate towards others as I date. I have more capacity for emotional intimacy. I feel like I can just be so open with you. He knows how to put things in such a way that just feels so actionable.”

- Adam M

"I’ve struggled with feelings of inadequacy stemming from childhood, which has affected all of my relationships. Now I have a much greater and compassionate understanding of myself and have re-written the narratives that have formed my life and relationships. I'm able to stop and breathe and feel in a way that felt inaccessible before. I'm able to love myself more and act as a true director of my self for my greatest benefit."

- Paul E

"I started working with Travis because I had just come out of a traumatic breakup with a very avoidant partner, identified as anxiously attached, and was struggling emotionally. This is the safest place I’ve felt in processing deep emotions. It’s helped me experience a safe and trusting relationship with men.

Out of all my coaching and therapy, I’ve made the most progress with Travis. This work feels really relevant for all external areas of my life, not just my relationships, which focused on parts work to help me develop a more secure connection to myself and self-soothe/emotionally regulate. 

I am now better able to pause when I am triggered, to self reflect and regulate before responding to others, and to not be so hard on myself when I am at odds with others.

He helped me to cultivate an internal emotional world that, when I tap into it, can help me self-soothe and support myself, rather than abandoning myself in at attempt to get validation and approval from others."

- Sarah J

"I’ve learned to recognize where I’m projecting my own issues in my relationship. I’ve been able to have more compassion for who they are and desire to understand them and what they need in the moment because I have more compassion and understanding for myself. I’ve laid a ton of great groundwork for feeling secure from within and not expecting that to come from my partner.”

- Marco S.

"This has helped me take a step back and recognize that there are no bad parts, but my old patterns of dating were exhausting and unsatisfying and not giving me what I wanted and needed. Through this process I’ve come to recognize that any future relationships have to be more fulfilling, more open, more honest, and there has to be a deeper level of connection and trust. My requirements and standards for relationships has completely evolved.

This process has helped to create the space to have harder conversations without blaming the other person or tear each other down. It’s a mature open honest and curious way to have these conversations and get to know each other on a deeper level that I honestly didn’t even know was possible."

- Dean M.

"Thank you for all your wisdom and encouragement. Your coaching skills helped me see my potential and cultivate self worth. I plan to put the tools you provided me to good use. By working with you I’ve become a better communicator, friend, partner, and human being. There’s more work to be done, but the groundwork is set. If anyone is looking for direction and better self understanding, please reach out to Travis. I can’t express enough how much he helped me."

- Barbara C

I initially started working with Travis with the goal of working through a disorganized (predominantly avoidant) attachment style.  After a few sessions together I started to make real progress in a whole host of areas, including but not limited to: nervous system regulation (breathing exercises to use in moments of stress/anxiety), emotional awareness (to realize when my nervous system even needs help regulating), and needs/boundaries identification & communication.  

As someone who trends avoidant, the ability to start to not only identify my feelings and emotions, but communicate them to my partner was game-changing.  The knowledge & techniques I've learned from working with Travis are by far the best tools I have at my disposal as I work to find myself in more secure attachment patterns. I'm extremely grateful, and I can't say enough about the work that Travis put in with me to get to this place in my journey. 

I made some serious breakthroughs with his parts work approach. Through compassionate inquiry I developed the ability to connect with and make progress with parts that I'd previously felt "stuck" and unable to make changes with. 

I’m able to be in touch with my truth by speaking from somatic experience. This allows them to make a decision for themselves. I was not doing this before I started working with him.”

- Tommy H.

“What ended up happening as I started working with Travis was something I never could have expected. He is such an intuitive coach who has sort of a 6th sense of the needs of his clients. That’s something you cannot teach or buy, you can only be fortunate enough to find someone with that gift.” 

“The work I did with Travis was so powerful because it helped me identify the parts of myself that I didn’t realize had been marginalized — that I didn’t want to acknowledge — and that were running my life. Ultimately reintegrating them into a unified self that feels more whole, balanced, loving and all of me.”

“If a coach can give you more of yourself, there’s no better coach to have. I could not recommend Travis enough. He is extraordinary.”

- Vic S.

“Our sessions have been incredible. I’ve learned to lead my "team" of emotions as an effective and understanding leader rather than them completely taking over my reactions. I don’t think I would have been able to think and act from such a place of clarity without your help. The space you’ve been able to hold for me at this point in my journey has been huge. I've had some big breakthroughs because I started working with you.”

- Alan D

I’m so proud of the progress I’ve made since starting these sessions, both in disposition and mindset. I have such great tools now for approaching relationships. The timing has been immaculate. It’s been such a great investment on many levels.

I’ve learned to trust my body and intuition. I used to just try to rationalize and logically think my way through situations, but I’ve realized that while intellectualizing an issue can be helpful, it can also repress how my body is responding to an issue and the physiological wisdom/ guidance that I need to process to make the best decision for me. I have a better understanding of how to effectively blend and utilize both approaches to making the right decision. Sometimes feeling it is more instructive than how I conceptualize it in my head.

I realize that I am already whole, have everything I need to help me, and that breath is an amazing gift in supporting my process.

Thanks so much, Travis. It’s been an amazing life changing journey. I’ve learned so much and am so grateful.

- Mel I

I’ve noticed a lot of growth and others around me have too. I feel massive improvement in my tenuous relationship with my mom. I feel more confident. My breath capacity has expanded substantially, which has helped me to process things better, calm myself down, detach from overthinking and just slow down by focusing inward. I’ve been able to be more present and loving without instigating or being passive aggressive. There have been noticeable improvements in how I’m able to navigate my divorce and my other interpersonal relationships."

- Bradley B

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