

What My Clients & Students are Saying:

"Working with Travis revolutionized the way I perceive and nurture relationships—truly transformative!" 

- Martin Marino

"The incredible insights from The Relational Alchemy Method reshaped my approach to dating, leading me to genuine, meaningful connections."

- Bill Bayaud

"With Travis' guidance, I've experienced a relationship metamorphosis, turning conflicts into opportunities for intimacy."

- Susan Smith

“Travis was immensely helpful in helping me stop repeating the same negative relationship patterns that have been holding me back. I’m aware of and capable of being with my emotions to really understand where they're coming rather than numbing them with another relationship."

- David Head

"I’ve struggled with feelings of inadequacy stemming from childhood, which has affected all of my relationships. Now I have a much greater and compassionate understanding of myself and have re-written the narratives that have formed my life and relationships."

- Paul Elliot

"I started working with Travis because I had just come out of a traumatic breakup with a very avoidant partner, identified as anxiously attached, and was struggling emotionally. I also thought it might be valuable to work with a male coach as I usually work with women. Travis created a very safe space for us to do the work together, which focused on parts work to help me develop a more secure connection to myself and self-soothe/emotionally regulate. 

I am now better able to pause when I am triggered, to self reflect and regulate before responding to others, and to not be so hard on myself when I am at odds with others.

He helped me to cultivate an internal emotional world that, when I tap into it, can help me self-soothe and support myself, rather than abandoning myself in at attempt to get validation and approval from others."

- Sarah Joseph

"I had a one-on-one virtual session with Travis and had an excellent experience. He created a safe and non-judgmental space, and the setup and design of the session were unique to other comparable services I have been to. The session had a blend of mindful meditation, Travis listening to me talk, and him asking questions that allowed me to be introspective on topics or perspectives I had not explored before. I recommend trying his consultation service to those hesitant to try licensed therapists, someone who may need some guidance or new perspectives, those who cannot afford or are not covered to be guided by a therapist, or those looking for supplemental care in addition to traditional therapy.

I am now better able to pause when I am triggered, to self reflect and regulate before responding to others, and to not be so hard on myself when I am at odds with others.

He helped me to cultivate an internal emotional world that, when I tap into it, can help me self-soothe and support myself, rather than abandoning myself in at attempt to get validation and approval from others."

- Annette

'I had my first session with Travis two weeks ago and I was amazed at how awesome our time together was. He is a great coach and I deeply value the time we’ve spent together, I found that the session was a pleasurable experience. The session provided me with lots of positive reinforcement and a framework to help me identify the changes I wanted to make.  Travis has an upbeat manner and is very positive. I look forward to having time for our next session."

- Lyly

"Having Travis as a mentor has changed my life and you can talk about anything with him. I honestly cannot thank him enough and I would recommend Travis to anyone. If anyone needs a life coach, Travis will give you his undivided attention and will develop you into the person you want to be."

- Caleb Wong

"I was looking for career advice as I was going through a change in my career and needed guidance on important decisions that I wasn’t sure how to proceed or who to talk to for help. Travis provided that non-biased perspective without judgement and helped me reach the answers to my own questions. Travis guided me through deep analysis of my decision making process using coaching tools and techniques that helped me clear the clutter and confusion in my mind. I felt Travis was knowledgeable, non judgmental and a trustworthy coach who’s humble and calm demeanor makes him easy to talk to and approach for advice. I am very happy with my coaching experience and highly recommend his service. "

- Sarmad

"Travis gave me the confidence to talk about my feelings and confess what my mind repeats to myself. It felt liberating to tell someone else who doesn’t have a built concept of your persona and what you feel. I appreciate Travis for his non judgmental caring and listening. "

- Mafe Huertas

"Travis created a professional, but very comfortable and open space in our meeting. The session was nicely structured, which gave me a good amount of time to delve into various topics that are important right. He also gave me some helpful worksheets that allow me to continue to work on these things. I can definitely recommend Travis to anyone who wants insight, cheerleading and support as they step more fully into life! "

- Katrina Hoven

"Travis facilitates an amazingly thoughtful and motivating coaching session. Our time together felt very natural, present and intimate -- even through a virtual video call setting. He listened actively by expressing genuine interest, approaching with curiosity and reiterating what I expressed in ways that brought me additional clarity and showed he was really engaged. Throughout our conversation he found timely instances to reference valuable quotes, mantras and tools of various methodologies, cultures and practices of wellness and coaching. 

In just one 60 minute session I gained more value and insight than multiple sessions with my therapist and career coaches. Travis shows up with empathy, passion and professionalism in his work. He offers a well rounded program incorporating several key pillars of physical and mental well-being to support your journey to becoming your best self."

- Avi Mehari

"Travis is an incredible Coach. He listened intently to what I had to say and was clearly ready, prepared, and even excited to dive with me into the darkest parts of my psyche. It was so refreshing to have somebody hold space like that for me, and be so eager to dive deep to help me unlock the key to my personal freedom. With the addition of his breath work practice and bodily movement experience, I would recommend Travis to any man or woman looking for support in up-leveling every aspect of their life and unlocking the keys to their personal freedom, joy, and happiness. Thanks, Travis!"

- Peter Labovich

"Thank you so very much for helping me unlock the grief I didn’t know I was experiencing. I feel so much lighter and confident in manifesting my goals for this year. Can’t wait to work with you. Thank you again for being such an amazing and patient listener, you were so helpful in guiding me to uncover feelings I was afraid to face."

- Yoli

"Thank you for all your wisdom and encouragement. Your coaching skills helped me see my potential and cultivate self worth. I plan to put the tools you provided me to good use. By working with you I’ve become a better communicator, friend, partner, and human being. There’s more work to be done, but the groundwork is set. If anyone is looking for direction and better self understanding, please reach out to Travis. I can’t express enough how much he helped me."

- Barbara Coupe

I initially started working with Travis with the goal of working through a disorganized (predominantly avoidant) attachment style.  After a few sessions together I started to make real progress in a whole host of areas, including but not limited to: nervous system regulation (breathing exercises to use in moments of stress/anxiety), emotional awareness (to realize when my nervous system even needs help regulating), and needs/boundaries identification & communication.  

As someone who trends avoidant, the ability to start to not only identify my feelings and emotions, but communicate them to my partner was game-changing.  This will be an area of ongoing focus and effort for me, but the knowledge & techniques I've learned from working with Travis are by far the best tools I have at my disposal as I work to find myself in more secure attachment patterns.  I'm extremely grateful, and I can't say enough about the work that Travis put in with me to get to this place in my journey. 

I made some serious breakthroughs with his parts work approach. Through compassionate inquiry I developed the ability to connect with and make progress with parts that I'd previously felt "stuck" and unable to make changes with. 

I’m able to be in touch with my truth by speaking from somatic experience. This allows them to make a decision for themselves. I was not doing this before I started working with you.”

- Tony Holcomb

“Out of all my coaching and therapy, I’m making the most progress with you.”

“This work feels really relevant for all external areas of my life.”

“This is the safest place I’ve felt in processing deep emotions.” 

“It’s helped me experience a safe and trusting relationship with men.” 

"Having elaborate mental imagery is cool because I didn't use to be able to visualize things."

- Sarah Joseph

“What ended up happening as I started working with Travis was something I never could have expected. He is such an intuitive coach who has sort of a 6th sense of the needs of his clients. That’s something you cannot teach or buy, you can only be fortunate enough to find someone with that gift.” 

“The work I did with Travis was so powerful because it helped me identify the parts of myself that I didn’t realize had been marginalized — that I didn’t want to acknowledge — and that were running my life. Ultimately reintegrating them into a unified self that feels more whole, balanced, loving and all of me.”

“If a coach can give you more of yourself, there’s no better coach to have. I could not recommend Travis enough. He is extraordinary.”

- Vic Sorrell

“Our last work was incredible. I’ve been able to lead my team of emotions as an effective and understanding leader rather than them completely taking over in the driver’s seat. It was hugely powerful. I don’t think I would have been able to think and act from such a place of clarity without your help.”

“I feel like I’m floating. Elevated.”

“So powerful. This was a long time coming.”

“It’s tough to process. I haven’t been in a safe place to process this stuff and I’m still learning to invite it and allow it.”

“The space you’ve been able to hold for me at this point in my journey has been huge.”

“This struggle, this turmoil breeds change. There is no time like the present.”

“I had some big breakthroughs because I started working with you”

- Alan Davies

I’m so proud of the progress I’ve made since starting these sessions, both in disposition and mindset. I have such great tools now for approaching relationships. The timing has been immaculate. It’s been such a great investment on many levels.

3 things I valued about these sessions:

It was so calming and reassuring knowing I had support each week. I’m sharing everything I’ve been learning with them 

Travis is so calm and receptive to my full truth. Even when I had to express something uncomfortable and honest, you really helped me build trust and overcome resistance to trust parts work.

My favorite thing about your approach is that you hear, interpret and articulate my thoughts better than I could myself. You reflect back so eloquently and accurately in a way that is really special, unique and helpful for me.

This dude is not off with the fairies – he has thought about it as much as I have in an analytical way that helped me to really trust the work that we were doing.

3 things I’ve learned:

I’ve come so far. I always thought I was someone who was in touch with my emotions, but going through the parts work helped me to realize that my concept for being strong was having a higher tolerance or resistance for negative emotions like anger or sadness and to be unaffected by them. I categorized situations in which these emotions were acceptable, and others weren’t and I would feel shame in owning these emotions if they didn’t fit the accepted criteria. Now I realize that strength comes from vulnerability and to acknowledge and accept that only a part of me might be feeling a certain way but that I am not that emotion and am not an embodiment of how I feel.

I’ve learned to trust my body and intuition. I used to just try to rationalize and logically think my way through situations, but I’ve realized that while intellectualizing an issue can be helpful, it can also repress how my body is responding to an issue and the physiological wisdom/ guidance that I need to process to make the best decision for me. I have a better understanding of how to effectively blend and utilize both approaches to making the right decision. Sometimes feeling it is more instructive than how I conceptualize it in my head.

I realize that I am already whole, have everything I need to help me, and that breath is an amazing gift in supporting my process.

Thanks so much, Travis. It’s been an amazing journey. I’ve learned so much and am so grateful.

- Mel Indratheb

I’ve noticed a lot of growth and others around me have too

“improvement with mom, feeling more confident; my breath capacity has expanded substantially; my yoga teacher even complimented how powerful and admirable my breath was; my breath has helped me to process things better, calm myself down, detach from overthinking and over just slow down by focusing inward.”

I’ve been able to be more present and loving without instigating or being passive aggressive. There have been noticeable improvements in how I’m able to navigate my divorce and my other interpersonal relationships.

- Bradley Bergeron

“It feels really refreshing to have identified what’s valuable to me instead of someone else telling me what’s right”

“I’m dating with an eager openness that feels light, which is in such stark contrast to how I was before where I was very stressed and attached to an outcome.”

“It feels really nice to just be dating with curious confidence without the pressure to do it.”

“I’ve become aware of resistance as it comes up, but with safe kindness towards the resistance.”

“This has been really impactful in much broader strokes than relationships. I know you’re a relationship coach, but I’m cultivating a different baseline that is softer and more self love."

“These sessions have been so expansive; I am so grateful. I have felt more concrete progress in our time than months and years of therapy.”

“I’ve investigated a lot of avenues for a long time and this has been far and away the best. You’re so good at intentional listening and offering guidance in a way that feels weightless, expansive, opening and empowering in a way that I haven’t experienced before.”

- Meg Miller

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